Off-grid solar systems in Ballarat are highly effective

Off-grid solar systems in Ballarat are highly effective

Installing off-grid solar systems in Ballarat is a true test of resilience, as the challenging winter conditions, with continuous rain and limited sunlight for 5-7 days in a row, push the limits of living off-grid. However, it may come as a surprise to learn that we have numerous customers who have never needed to connect a generator to their systems. The systems are heavily oversized with numerous solar panels, demonstrating the efficiency of modern solar panels in extracting energy from even the faintest light sources. Additionally, the quick charging capability of modern solar battery systems allows them to absorb large amounts of energy in a short time, ensuring a reliable power supply even during extended overcast periods.

Many of our Ballarat off-grid solar systems are installed with generators, but their usage is usually very limited, accounting for only about 10-15% of the energy supply (information here), and that too primarily during winter. For the rest of the season, the generator is used very rarely, according to our monitoring data. This further emphasizes the effectiveness of our solar systems in providing reliable energy throughout the year, reducing the reliance on traditional power sources.

Another interesting trend we’ve observed in the Ballarat region is that some homeowners with grid-connected properties have requested the installation of off-grid solar energy systems. Now, they are using the grid only as a backup generator and testing if they are ready to completely disconnect from the grid. This innovative approach highlights the growing confidence in off-grid solar technology and the desire for energy independence among residents in the area.

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