“Solar Victoria: An Unjustified Waste of Taxpayer Money”

“Solar Victoria: An Unjustified Waste of Taxpayer Money”

I believe Solar Victoria is an absolute waste of taxpayer money. It’s a politically driven creation that deceives people by claiming that grid-connected solar systems can genuinely save them money. It’s pure nonsense when power consumption and solar production don’t align with people’s home hours, and when you’re either exporting at 3 cents per kilowatt-hour or not exporting at all. The same goes for battery systems, where the payback time stretches to 10 years or more. Solar Victoria looks like an incredible waste of money. I couldn’t find exact figures on how much it costs to run this organization, but I’m confident it costs more than the rebates they distribute.

The only solar energy system that makes sense for domestic use is an off-grid one.